I was going to put this rant/vent on my main blog or a diary or something, but technically it's Job Corps related. I told myself anything and everything Job Corps related comes here. ANYTHING. Including heated arguments with my dad.
During the orientation our Job Corps admission counselor made it very clear that if we are 18+ in Job Corps and we get terminated they will walk us to the gate with our stuff and say good bye. They would not be having the tax payers paying for a plane flight back if we mess up. They stressed this. It's justifiable in my opinion. I mean Job Corps pays for your flight there and winter breaks, room and board, three meals a day, uniforms, allowance, transportation, everything right down to laundry detergent. That's not mentioning the thousands and thousands of dollars tax payers pay for us to have an education for our trade, college (if you go through them), tutoring, and drivers education.
Personally, I think it's completely fair for them to throw out those less grateful who use and abuse the program. Why should someone busted for pot and alcohol get a free ride home on tax payers money? They made the zero tolerance policy very clear. We sign many papers stating we will follow it. Job Corps does so much the least we can do it follow the centers and federal rules placed.
*And I'm only using alcohol and weed as an example because they say that's the #1 reason people get terminated WEEKLY. Personally I like to drink and have fun like every other soon to be 21 years old who was born and raised in the infamous Sin City. Job Corps makes it very clear that under their roof that's a no-no and if they catch you they will throw you out no mercy. Fair enough.
Point is Job Corps pays for EVERYTHING and more. It's a privileged not a right. If they have rules follow them. If you don't you're gone and I have no mercy if they don't cover your ride home especially if you're an adult who failed a drug test.
I told my dad the zero tolerance policy and how they leave those who break it without a plane ride back and he didn't believe me - or maybe he didn't believe Job Corps. He thinks it's just what they tell you to scare you. He said, "they aren't going to just leave a female homeless on the streets!" Let me emphasis that's a quote.
I said, "if that female is an adult (18+) they will." Like I'm not trying to call Job Corps on their "bluff" ok. If they say they'll do it I'm going to believe it. I'm on their property, in their program. Why wouldn't they have the right to kick me out if I'm messing up?!
So in my head I'm like well if he won't believe Job Corps or me maybe he'll believe someone who was terminated! My fathers got me all curious now too! I find this girl who tells her terminated story on Youtube and I honestly can't even get through it because that's how heated our argument was. More my side tbh. I'm trying to listen to her just to see if she'll mention anything about whether they did or didn't pay for her flight home, but I'm constantly pausing because we are fighting.
NOW I'M NOT QUOTING MY DAD HERE WARNING THIS IS JUST A ROUGH SUMMARY OF SOME OF WHAT HE SAID. Basically he's talking about how he's wary of some girl on Youtube telling her side of the story because she's only going to let you know what she wants you to know. Probably just to make herself look innocent. Fair enough. I didn't really care for her story on why she got kicked of Job Corps to be real honest though. I just want to know how she got home period.
Did Job Corps pay or nah? I won't know because I'm screaming and he's just loud talking, but his loud talking equals my screaming to be fair. He's a loud guy who likes to talk over people. I'm not just screaming for my health okay. I scream so my voice is heard. At one point he says and again I quote him, "there are three sides to every story, their side, the other side, and the truth" Cute.
So I loudly state and I quote my angry self "oh you don't believe her!" because he pretty much implies that if this video ended with her saying she had to find her own flight home he wouldn't believe her. He wants to hear Job Corps side to HER story. Even though I don't give I damn about her story. I just want to know if Job Corps paying for her damn flight or not. I already know what Job Corps told ME and many others about termination and how they'll NOW I QUOTE MY JOB CORPS ORIENTATION COUNSELOR, "Walk you to the gate with your stuff and say bye!"
Now this is when the argument caused the most chaos. Since my dad kept saying I was misquoting him and putting words in his mouth. When I NEVER even tried to quote him. He kept saying, that I said, he didn't believe her (the girl on Youtube).
"All I said was you don't believe her.
I didn't say YOU SAID you don't believe her.
I SAID you don't believe her!" - me
How do a break this down for dummies?
When I SAID my dad didn't believe her, it's just my observation - an opinion based statement from me ABOUT HIM that I gathered just from witnessing and hearing his statements about a "one-sided" testimony. Again I didn't claim that he himself said he didn't believe her. I just saw what could be viewed as doubt and made a statement honestly "oh you don't believe her!" could of been a question if we changed my exclamation point to a question mark. It was just a comment however.
Never did I try to quote my father and say AND YOU JONATHON SAID YOU DON'T BELIEVE THIS RANDOM YOUTUBE WOMAN. I don't see how AGAIN I QUOTE MY DAD HERE, I "put words in his mouth" when I never said he said it. I never tried quoting him. I didn't run around screaming YOU SAID YOU DON'T BELIEVE HER YOU SAIIIIIIID IT! Cause he didn't. I just noticed he had some doubts to say the least and stated it myself. My fudging mistake huh?
Like does this make sense? This makes somewhat sense right?! Maybe I'm the idiot here?? If so jeez my bad. Good golly I'll work harder on my non-quotations.
Regardless though the argument in the first place was about TERMINATION and if they just kick you out to fend for yourself. I believe Job Corps when they say they do and support it. My dad however doesn't believe it and wants to fight it if they do from what I gather. That's why since I don't plan to be terminated and don't know of any one personally who was terminated by the Job Corps program I tried too look up testimonies of those who were online. Hence why I found the video of the girl.
I know Job Corps stance and what they'll do. I want to hear her side now just to see if they follow through on that threat. Surely if I were terminated and I was telling my story here, or on Youtube I would make special mention to having to try to find my own way back home. How ironic that I'm trying to hear both sides of the story like my dad previously mentioned so I can discover the truth maybe.
The fight ended when Tracey got home midnight and was fed up just from walking in on it, but there was just so much heated bs before and I worked myself up so much I'm exhausted. Like why do I argue. How does it even get like this with me and my dad so fast.
Contrary to popular belief I don't want to fight or yell or anything it's draining. Especially people like my dad who are NEVER wrong. The world spins for them and they're ways. Spend all that waste of breath and energy. Then shed some silent tears in private when the battles done.
Anyways I did finish watching that video and she actually was completed/terminated somehow, had her own apartment, and two jobs. Honestly goals (minus termination)! Didn't help with my question on if Job Corps has really sent people to the street after termination though.
I don't care anymore though. If I witness someone getting terminated while I'm out there best believe this blog will be second to know. My dad will be number one because I'm petty and I will send quite the text message let me tell you! It will be very blunt.
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