Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ready for the interview

So that "homework" they wanted to talk to me about... 


... Uhm what? How did I go from having to do one by next week to four by tomorrow?! Regardless took me 5-6 hours but I'm finished. Is this supposed to be my first "real world" lesson? What's the moral of this lesson supposed to be though - Things are bound to change and get harder and you just gotta suck it up buttercup???

If so adult life is cruel and I technically didn't sign up for this. I mean Job Corps yeah I signed up for that, but life I did not. That was all my selfish parents. I didn't ask for this! Oh well this is what I'm destined for ... Bright side, the essays are done. Now I just have to do the interview tomorrow!  Also Julie told Flor she's going to try to keep me and Flor together. Plane ride and dorm! Not 100% for sure, but she'll try! I hope my adult life is full of people like Julie because she's a goddess.

Also the "full" health exams they do include blood work among other things I'm uncomfortable with ... Can't really complain though, can I?

Here's where it get's exciting! According to Flor, Julie wants to ship us out the 28th! That's less than two weeks!! 13 days!!! Maybe it's because I didn't even know about Job Corps existence a week ago, but this is all going so fast.

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