Woke up and got ready. This week my morning dorm duty is mopping. I kind of oopsied with it today by putting too much soap and squeezing the water on the floor but I finished in time to get good food for breakfast.
Today was French toast, God bless🙏🏽 For class I did my hands on for Pharmacy. My top pick. Today I learned I may not be quite cut out for it unless I really get my shit together and study asap. It was a fun hands on don't get me wrong and the class and teacher are amazing!
Minus some hoe trying to get me in trouble with her bitch ass. Cough cough. I dropped one of the mini pipettes in this jug container and she insisted I leave it in there, "there is no way to get it out." Then she made a statement about how the class will give me hell for it if I did choose pharm tech. As if I committed some horrible pharmaceutical party foul by accidentally dropping a pipette in this jug thing! Also note we were doing labs with all kinds of butters and oils and whatnot and my gloves were super slippery. So yeah I dropped it and yet she INSISTED I leave it in there. I had that gut feeling she was full of shit though so I straight up told the teacher when she came in and she was just like, "oh it's still in there? Uh oh." Super chill, and just squeezed the jug a bit so it would rise out. Problem fucking solved, ain't nobody gave a shit. Ain't nobody cared. No one gave me hell. Nobody even knew and the ones who did minus her didn't even care. So yeah moral of the story follow your gut and ignore a dumb bitch :)
Other than that, which was so minor I question why I had such a petty rant about it. I can clearly tell I've been missing church from my lack of empathy and anger. Pharmacy was amazing. Yeah the packet we got was intimidating, but I am confident that I could ace it if I just refreshed and studied. It was metric conversions which was like a lesson from over five-six years ago freshman year and I'm very bad at math but I could relearn it no prob. Plus there was a lot of pharmaceutical terms but I'm pretty good with terminology I think. Class was super chill to even talked it up with a bunch of classmates and one kind of tutored me with the math! Not to mention our hands on today was making lip balm and a moisturizing sugar scrub from scratch! Got to do it in the lab with some crazy lab gear on too!!
It was crazy fun! Even snapped some pictures since the lab part was mainly student run! The only problem is the hands on hit me with the reality this math and work is a lot. You have to be precise. Today we are making lip balm sure but tomorrow we could be making something medicinal and just 1ml over on something could be fatal for the patient ingesting it. It's a field that can save or take someone's life depending on the technicians and pharmacists. A mistake can cause lawsuits, prison, a life ... Pretty scary tbh.
Not to mention I'm gonna need a whole math refresher plus learn a crap load of pharm related terminology that I'd be willing to study for, but I'm just not sure if I'm really that passionate about the field for it.
This isn't my only hands on though. I have CNA tomorrow and Medical Administration Assistant on Wednesday. Maybe they'll appeal to me more, maybe not.
Had a thing in the theater about sexual assault and the Disney talent show. Then went with a friend(?) to help her with a personal issue and whatnot but had to ditch when we realized we were going to be late to role call. Which we were but got a warning...
Flor and I went to dinner then that class we missed last week so we could get it signed off. Then I went to the gym alone which was chill. Treadmills were all down though so bummer but oh well. Starting to get a little 🍑 going! I mean it when I say she's a little girl but she's coming I assure!
Then just watched family guy and enchanted with my roomie. Oh and I finally got a hot shower!!! It's been like three days were it was freezing😭
Other than that I did have my doctors appointment finally. Was not the type of doctor I was expecting😳 it was a social worker, it lasted over an hour, I'll leave it at that.
I am hoping my next one is the birth control because momma wants to never have a period again ... or be called "momma" for that matter yikes. My luck though next time I'm in there will be for the blood draw they want me to do😭 and I'll probably be on day one or two of my period with my shitty luck. Watch me faint. Actually don't! Knock on wood! Knock on wood!
Day 14.
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