I got a decent night sleep. Maybe 7ish hours I woke up at like five but stayed in bed till they woke us up at six. Showered, put on my uniform, met Flor in her dorm.
Ew. Now I know I said free is free but khakis?! They give me so much anxiety especially when I'm on that time of the month. We left for breakfast and it was raining, than sleeting, than snowy, and by the time we finished eating it was sunny. This patterned continued throughout the day.
We did a little bit of class work on respect but mainly we did our official campus tour on vocations offered. I learned a few good details about my trade. Not only can I have it done in 6-8 months but if you are from Vegas they will ship you back for the last 100 hours you need so you can train at home! Also the certifications count for all 50 states and not just Nevada so I can move anywhere and not have to worry about re-certification!
Ate lunch with my two favorite dorm brothers and Flor. I say favorite very loosely. Then we got to get paid for the first time! A whopping $25. A true bliss because after this they start deducting taxes and certain school fees from our pay which can make it $23.01 or if supply deduction $12-16.
The bliss was almost completely ruined when Flor and I took a potty break after and my phone got jacked because I carelessly left it on top of the thing that you get toilet paper out of. My phone is in a protected wallet case, so not only was my phone gone, but my state id, my debit card, and the $25 I just got paid plus a five I already had. This was the second time I did this and this time I had to pay for it. Literally. Thankfully my thief was ever so gracious to return my phone anonymously with the case and cards attached, ... but they took it upon themselves to reward their act of pure mercy by taking upon themselves my thirty dollars. How valiant. Me being in an emotional hysteria rejoiced tearfully at the return of my phone and cards at the least. Money is money but I think it would of destroyed me had I not been able to call my parents tonight. That would of been it for me, I would have self termed today, period.
We took a standard placement test in reading and writing. It basically decides if you can start your trade asap or if you have to take academic classes first. Which also means it can add another 4-6 months to your stay here. If you want your trade and to get out asap like me failing was not an option. Thankfully I passed both!! Even math what?! The teacher made fun of me because when he asked me what's 4 + 5 I couldn't answer. Jokes on that dude though I still passed!
I was able to return to my dorm a bit early and called my dad, texted my mom, video called my sister. I desperately needed the communication with my family after being so close to losing it. I spring cleaned my room and locker with my roomie too! Also did laundry and learned the art of making ramen noodles in a dorm microwave. Which I enjoyed in the lounge.
While I was out and about doing my cleaning and eating and lounge lounging I met and befriended quite a few! For the most part the dorm is super friendly.
I did go out once briefly for a rec tour with most my input family but other then that it was just a chill dorm night for me after classes. Ended it watching South Park in the lounge.
day 3.
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